Red-Breasted Nuthatch in the Snow


This Red-breasted Nuthatch looks none to pleased about the snow and cold temperatures we are having.  After all the come here each winter to escape it.  Our huge flock seems to have gotten much smaller so I am afraid they have started to leave us for their spring and summer homes.  It has been great fun hearing their calls and songs all winter.  Hopefully they know they are very welcome to return next season.

King William County, VA USA
Olympus OMD-EM1X with 300mm

What Is That?


The House Finches were very confused yesterday and kept looking around trying to figure out what was this white stuff falling from the sky.  We only got 4-5” but according to the weatherman, it was the most snow we have had at one time since 2018.  Yes, 2018. 

King William County, VA USA

Olympus OMD-EM1X with 300mm Pro

Evening Grosbeak -life list bird


Evening Grosbeaks are not seen in this part of Virginia generally but due to the bird “irruption” of 2020/21 thousands have come further south in search of food.  My friend Michele went with me to Pony Pasture to search them out and wouldn’t you know after almost 3 hours or so of hiking throughout the park searching, as we were headed down the path to our cars we found them.  I thought I only had a picture of the female but then when I looked closer on the computer I found I had both male and females.  They are really pretty in person and its to bad they don’t spend their winters here more often.

Pony Pasture Park, Richmond VA USA

Olympus OMD-EM1X with 100-400mm + MC-14

Milly the Mockingbird

Dutch 01.02 Mockingbird 01 Final.jpg

This particular Mockingbird hangs out on the 2nd overlook dock at Dutch Gap.  I see him every time I go, fluttering around, not afraid of people at all.  I can only assume he was born and has grown up there as he has zero fear of people, noises and fast movements all around him.  

On this particular day he jumped from branch to branch just asking that I take his photo so when he started posing I had to do it.  Those brown eyes just pull me in.  Such a handsome one he is.

Olympus OMD-EM1X,  Olympus 100-400 lens + MC-14